08 November, 2008

Obama wins, then the internet shat their pants.

First off, I would like to congratulate all of you Americans for your new president-elect and soon to be president of the United States, Barack Obama. Now, I am not as enthousiastic as some about Obama, but I am quite happy that he got in. His victory is a sign that the voices that speaks for equal opportunity and unity is bigger than the voices of those who cling on to their stone-age xenophobia. Now, I am not saying that he is the next coming of Jesus, Ahura Mazda or any other deity of your choosing, nor do I expect him to to be 100% successful, but at least he is a step forward the nation needs right now to pull itself out of its rut.

Now, the reason I am writing this is because I want to write an open letter to everyone, especially Americans, about the reactions of the people in response to Obama's victory. See, it's totally fine to jump for joy and celebrate when your candidate of choice got elected into the White House and it is totally fine to be upset when your candidate of choice lost out. However, in the hours following the final results of the election, people who supported Obama are talking about vindictively rubbing the victory in the faces of their fellows who supported McCain and the people who supported McCain are posting myopic, venomous and hate-filled blogs, rants and videos online aimed at their fellows who supported Obama with promises of fillibustering every single perceived slip-up. This is a very abhorrent act on both sides and I, for one, am disappointed and ashamed to see people partake in such small-minded and childish behaviour.

People, whatever happened to the message of unity Obama's victory and McCain's concession speech brings? Whatever happened to putting aside your difference and working together to make the US a better place? Why are you devoting your time to furthering the rift between left and right leaning citizens and sowing hatred amongst yourselves? Where is the love for your fellows?

So please, let's not degenerate ourselves to such acts, okay? You want to be proud of the country again? Let us instead work together in unity and love to bring about a better nation.


  1. Well, the US is very divided economically and socially. The Bush years have only made it worse, after Bush getting into office on what was probably the opposite of the popular vote. And then the utter and shameless fear and hate mongering that was used to get him back in office in 2004 (something like 51% snatching defeat from the jaws of victory for what may have really been the majority) there is a lot of pent up anger. The crazy amount of power and influence granted to the christian fundamentalists in the country under the Republicans has served to strengthen the bitter hatred between them and well, almost everyone else who's voice has been squashed under their boot. These childish tauntinges are I think only a symptom of a much deeper rift in our society, which grows stronger as we the people grow more diverse every day, and power becomes more and more obviously isolated in the hands of the few.

    It would be nice if the people of the US really could come together, but it's a pretty steep divide, Obama gives people hope in the american *dream* again, but no one knows for how long.

  2. That is true, and that is why everyone should talk about it and spread the word. I don't expect it to convince everyone, but at least it's a step forward.

  3. I think that anyone who will read this blog is in the wrong audience. I for one welcome our new multi-ethnic overlord, but I'm not going to stick my finger in anyone's face because as you said it is counterproductive to the entire result of the election.

    About half of the nation got what we wanted. The losing side needs to be gracious (and McCain was), and the winning side can be happy and confident that good things will come in the next four years. But gloating and whining is just plain poor taste, and I personally won't associate myself with anyone who openly gloats beyond a simple "hooray obama"
