Okay so I took the plunge and moved to blogger. If you are linked here from my LJ post, chances are, your LJ account is added to my Google Reader. Post here with your account name if you want confirmation or affirmation. To add my blog here, you can either follow this blog with your Open ID, or you can add the url of this blog to your Google reader subscriptions.
In case you're new here, I am an amateur MIDI music composer, illustrator and an aspiring game designer. I also am what you would call a furry and thus most of my creative output would most likely be be anthropomorphic-themed. I also game a lot, my taste in games include 90's 16-bit games of the SNES and Genesis era and action-oriented FPS games, especially Valve-released games and Serious Sam. So don't hesitate to talk to me if you're looking for someone to play games like Serious Sam and Counter Strike with.
Watch this space for some content.